Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Let's beat the heat ...where waves would meet !

The month of May and the intensity of heat
The hut so warm where the waves would meet,

The friendly winds touched our faces cold
It didnt let the sun to get the hold,

Adults put on their hats and shades moving towards the sea
Children splashed in the water and yelled, "wheeeeeee",

The sand rose up and a beautiful sand castle was made
A minute it was there, in the other i saw it fade,

Some people enjoyed playing with the waves
Others were hiding inside the hut-caves,

The water splashed far and wide
More opted for swashing and less for the camel ride,

After initial moments of fun morning meal was given out
Puri, tarkari, cholay and tea was what the breakfast was all about,

As quickly as we could, we finished it up
To get that hot, warming tea in the cup,

Tucked up our shirts and rolled up our jeans
Went for the sea again and lived it up like teens,

Small waves were followed  by larger ones
Fathers went towards the sea depth along with their sons,

A large wave came grabbing with it some of the jouyful souls
The rest of us wildly caught hold of them so it came back with only a few shoe soles,

Suddenly the subtle savor of the lunch menu filled the air
Who would wait for tikka and biryani, would'nt you care?

 Diving into the food seemed heavenly rather than diving in the sea
A glass of chilled coke please -- that would be me,

Lunch was done and sun was on high
Sunning ourselves on the shore gave us a tan , sigh!,

All the fun and all the splashes were worth every dime,
Everyone was ready for --selfie time !!!,

Clickety click here and a clickety click there
Slippers coated with sand and all feet bare!,

Honk! honk! signalled the cars for packup
We tried to resist... but time was up,

Finally we decided to call it a day
Who would have enjoyed such in the month of May!

Monday, May 15, 2017

A daughter's plead: Mai apki hoon

When my daughter started talking, she would always remind me now and then, 
"mai apki hoon" (I am yours) 
and I would laugh to myself...Ofcourse you are mine. My sweet little bunny wunny. But this little girl have expressed this same feeling in every emotion one may know.

When she's happy, it's an exclamation: mai apki hoon!
When I'm angry at her, it's a reassurance: mai apki hoon..
When i show love to my elder kid, it's a reminder: mai apki hoon.
When im just lost in my thoughts, it's a daily routine: mai apki hoon.
When her father shows love to her, she will disclaim and tell him: mai mama ki hoon.

I now realize the difference between a daughter and a son. My elder kid is a typical son. I only exist when he needs something from me. Else he's just lost in his world of etc. Daughters are full of expression --well that's how they function. A daughter's world starts with the mother and never ends.
A four-year old smart and innocent girl...with big navigating eyes..full of all radar-abilities. If I happen to leave the bed, she will instantly wake from deep sleep and ask,
"where are you going, mama?"
"can I come too?"
Goodbye privacy. Welcome watch-you-pee-excitement.

Last whole year her sleep routine was very non-human. She used to wake till 3-4 midnight and sleep all day till 1 pm.  The time when everyone was fast asleep she would just be either singing songs to her doll or playing with her toys under the night bulb. But then they say the most creative thoughts come at the most odd times, right?

Well, one day I suddenly woke up at 3 am and couldn't find her. When I turned around I saw her sitting below where my hair were tangling. (Yeah, my mistake, I throw open my hairs back during sleep) She had my small scissor and an explanation in her hand:
 ""Mama, I cut your bad hairs!"
 "What? why? Give me that scissor!"
The other day, i mean night, she had cut off her hairs. Thank God I could settle them for bangs. But now the scissor had to be hidden far far away.  But all-hail to creativity of a non-human-routine-toddler!  sigh!

One fine night, I woke up to a similar situation. Only my toddler had no tools this time. 
" Then what!??", I thought to myself.. looking here and there for clues. Everything was on place...but just the feeling was not right. Snifff...sniff....I could smell perfume. Very close. I ran fingers down my hairs thinking... and my fingers went wet. 
I just had been given a perfume hair wash. 
"Hareeeeeeeeeeeem!!! Noooooo! !@#$%^&!"
I ran into the washroom to wash it off. I guess part of my wit also washed off that day.

My daughter is my soul. She's a part of me. And she's taking it VERY seriously. Whenever I hope to travel alone, get my bag and wear my shoes, I see a little version of me quickly grabbing her bag and fitting her shoes. At the age of 4, she has become my shopping partner.
She has also given me a name, "mama bubbly". Lol. How the mind of a toddler works!!
I often think, I don't really need her reminder of "mai apki hoon". I know in the depth of my heart that she is mine. She'll always be mine. Forever mine.
Happy Mother's Day to all !

Chronically yours,
 Mama Bubbly.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The silver lining ...

Every cloud has a silver lining, they say. And they say it right. Lucky me, I have two silver linings with me.

My two bundles of joy, two little energy packets, two basket of cuddles, two smoochable bunnies, two hyper-stars, two terrible toddlers, two shrieking minors, two fighting samurais, two jumping jacks, two hungry winks....the list goes on till I get tired of running around the house after them.

Both my kiddies have been born with the wildest combination of personality traits and habits of their parents.
The elder born is Abdullah. He sleeps like a log like his dad, is a diplomat like his mom, loves to help in the kitchen like his dad, and is as quick as his mom. He thinks he and his dad are lions, and you know what lions don't need to do every morning? "Mama, even Simba doesn't brush his teeth!"
The younger born is Hareem. She is not a morning person like her dad, but wakes up in a jiffy like her mom, doesn't have a sweet tooth like her dad, and loves to keep her stuff orderly just like her mom. She calls her mom Elsa and herself Anna, and is waiting for her hair to grow, "So I can be the real Anna and make a loooong braid!"

I could talk about them all day like an indulgent mom, but I see that Abdullah has hidden Hareem's doll and is now telling her a huge lizard has taken it. Initiating mini nuclear war in 3..2..1...AH! See ya later, guys.
Chronically yours,