Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The silver lining ...

Every cloud has a silver lining, they say. And they say it right. Lucky me, I have two silver linings with me.

My two bundles of joy, two little energy packets, two basket of cuddles, two smoochable bunnies, two hyper-stars, two terrible toddlers, two shrieking minors, two fighting samurais, two jumping jacks, two hungry winks....the list goes on till I get tired of running around the house after them.

Both my kiddies have been born with the wildest combination of personality traits and habits of their parents.
The elder born is Abdullah. He sleeps like a log like his dad, is a diplomat like his mom, loves to help in the kitchen like his dad, and is as quick as his mom. He thinks he and his dad are lions, and you know what lions don't need to do every morning? "Mama, even Simba doesn't brush his teeth!"
The younger born is Hareem. She is not a morning person like her dad, but wakes up in a jiffy like her mom, doesn't have a sweet tooth like her dad, and loves to keep her stuff orderly just like her mom. She calls her mom Elsa and herself Anna, and is waiting for her hair to grow, "So I can be the real Anna and make a loooong braid!"

I could talk about them all day like an indulgent mom, but I see that Abdullah has hidden Hareem's doll and is now telling her a huge lizard has taken it. Initiating mini nuclear war in 3..2..1...AH! See ya later, guys.
Chronically yours,

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